Become a Volunteer
We can never have enough willing helpers on the day. We need more than 30 marshals around the course to ensure the safety and security of competitors. To learn more about marshalling, register below
Join the organising committee
Like any large event, Bourn to Run doesn’t organise itself! We are fortunate to have an amazing group of willing volunteers who work behind the scenes all year round to make it happen! We are always looking for new committee members to help throughout the year and on the day.
An Ode to the Organisers
Are you toying with the idea of helping with Bourn to Run?
Well our planning for this year has already begun!
But we’re always on the lookout for extra help all year round
To make sure that we can raise many thousands of pounds!
Rest assured it’s not a mothers meeting, for mums who are super fit
Or a platform for modelling the latest expensive designer gym kit
We don’t sit around the table comparing our latest PB’s
If anything many of us turn up frazzled and on our knees!
With this in mind we took the decision to move our meetings to the pub
In more relaxing surroundings than the conference room at the golf club
We may not always achieve as much and may occasionally run over time
But at least what we have managed to achieve has been over a glass of wine!
We have a great committee made up of men and women in equal measure
And welcoming you to join us would be our absolute pleasure.
We always need extra pairs of hands and we can never have enough
To be on hand for ad hoc items even with envelopes that need to be stuffed.
So if you can help us raise the bar and work with us to get things done.
It’s more likely to be over a G & T and not whilst out for a run!
There are specific areas of expertise that we need to find right away
So please don’t be shy and let us know if you can help out in some way
Marketing & publicity are vital to Bourn to Run’s success
Do you see yourself as a wordsmith – do you have links with the press?
If so we’d love to hear from you our door is open wide
So why not see how you can help, come along and step inside.
Or maybe helping on the day is much more up your street
In which case your requirements we most certainly can meet
For the safety of our runners we need marshals everywhere
With your help it might save what’s left of our Marshal Directors hair!
Not sure if it’s quite for you and you don’t want to rock up on your own?
Or you’re not one for a committee and it’s a bit our of your comfort zone
Well if you’re not convinced, curious or just think you’d like to join us for a drink
Drop us a line, come and meet us let us know what you think?